Take a look at our
Youngstock from 2016
Best Endeavour
22nd April 2016
Our first foal out of It's Best Chilled by Cevin Z. Born at West Kingston Stud and then back home within the week. SID was a weak foal who had to be assisted to his feet every 2 hours to feed but soon got the hang of things, becoming a very bold friendly little man.
Best Intentions
13th June 2016
Our first foal born at the farm, out of Chanel No 5 by Britannia's Mail. SETH was Coco's second foal and she had a text book birth all caught on CCTV. A beautiful 'time waster',loving attention but playing second fiddle to SID, at the moment. Seth is now sold to a lovely family home as a four year old.
Exclusive Eclipse
STAN was bought by us in 2016 as a foal to join our 2 colts. He is out of a Don Riccos mare by Exclusive and a beautiful black lad.